
Top 100 Financial Blogs for College Students

Top 100 Financial Blogs for College Students

Realm of Prosperity
This blog from a 2009 graduate “serves as a medium to connect the lively reckless nature of the younger generation with the responsible attitude that financial stability requires.” Posts focus on money management, investments, debt management, and much more. Some popular posts include College Student Bought Home Instead of Renting, Investing Now v. Removing Debt, and A Weekend in College: Zero Dollars.
I Will Teach You to be Rich
This blog — and the book of the same title — offers advice on personal finance and business for college students and recent graduates (and anyone else who might be interested). In-depth posts discuss marketing, negotiation, debt management, home ownership, starting a business, and much more. Some recent posts include Behind the Scenes of a Psychological Campaign, Wednesday Workout: Testing Your Assumptions, and How to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Earn More, Work Less, and Dominate.
Grad Money Matters
This blog is “for those of us that are well-educated, yet clueless when it comes to money matters.” Posts cover topics ranging from consumerism to personal finance to investing. Some popular posts include 10 Steps Using Which Even a Lazy Person Can Be a Millionaire, 101 Tips for Frugal Living, and 11 Things You Do Not Learn in School.
Broke Grad Student
This former grad student started this blog to document his attempts to pay back $22,000 in student loans. Along the way, he shares his tips for saving money and managing personal finances for college students. Though the blog has not been updated in some time, there are still plenty of excellent articles in the archive. We liked 5 Easy Ways for College Students to Make Extra Money, How You Can Make $25 in 10 Minutes, and Building a Car Fund for College Students.
Independent Beginnings
Olivia is a college student at Brigham Young University, and her blog discusses “issues such as budgeting, credit, financial aid, savings, investing, taxes, insurance, and smart spending.” Many of the recent posts also include links to online coupons, freebies, and other deals for products and services.

20 Something Finance
The purpose of this blog is to “entertain and help inquisitive young professionals get out of debt, build wealth, and achieve financial freedom.” Post categories include investing, career, home buying, budgeting, retirement planning, insurance, and more. There are also reviews of Web sites, books, products, and more. Some recent posts worth checking out include The 57 Best 20Something Finance Posts of 2010, The Hidden 401k Fees that Can Crack Your Nest Egg, and Obama Tax Cut Extensions and New Payroll Tax Cuts: How Much Will You Save?
Consumerism Commentary
This personal finance blog started as one man’s personal efforts to hold himself accountable for his own account balances and spending habits. It has grown into a vast blog with a team of writers and in-depth posts about all aspects of personal finance. Some interesting recent posts include Low Savings Interest Rates: Good or Bad?, How to Buy Facebook Shares Now, and The Myth of Ownership.
Stop Buying Crap
Between posts about the silly and irresponsible ways that many of us spend our money (such as $166 jeans and these 9 Weird Crap You Can Buy on, there are thoughtful posts about ways to save money and wisely invest your money. Some interesting recent posts include S.3247: Fair Access to Credit Scores Act, How I Made the Most Money I’ve Ever Made in My Life but Still Felt Miserable, and Teach Your Children About Money Management by Playing Shopkeeper.
This blog offers economic advice for students, by a student. Some of our favorite recent posts include Best of Studenomics 2010, How to Make an Astronomical Impact in 2010, and Vagabonding 101: Everything You Need to know to Travel the World.
Here you’ll find guidance on financial products such as savings accounts and credit cards, as well as reviews on financial tools (such as software and phone apps) and books. Some of the most talked about posts include How to Win McDonald’s Monopoly Game, Rent Forever, Don’t Buy a Home, and $7,500 First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit.
Steadfast Finances
Here’s “a personal finance and investing 101 blog that delves into current events, consumer education, and techniques to improve your bottom line.” Categories include consumer education, frugal living, humor, index funds, infographics and chartology, investing 101, investor psychology, and real estate. Some notable recent posts include Could the Stock Market Rally Really be ‘This Simple?’”>Renting Hot, Home Ownership Not, and The Condo Money Trap: 68% Loss and In Foreclosure.
Man vs. Debt
The man behind Man vs. Debt encourages you to “Sell your crap. Pay off your debt. Do what you love.” Baker and his family sold all of their possessions to pay off $18,000 in debt and to spend a year traveling abroad. He hopes his experiences and his blog will help others find their own path to financial health. There are extensive interviews with financial experts and reflections on what it means to live simply and how to eliminate consumerism from your life. Baker and family will even be embarking on an RV tour of the country this year.
The Sun’s Financial Diary
Sun’s Financial Diary was started as a way for Sun to track personal investments and to share tips and advice with others interested in investing. Readers will find information on credit cards, the best stock brokers, promotional items, book reviews, and more. Some notable recent posts include Does Automatic Enrollment Improve Retirement Savings? Cash in Now for Secondhand Savings, and The 2010 Year in Money.
The Learning Curve
Muckdog offers his take on current events related to finance, with a focus on the stock market and investing. Some interesting recent posts include Whoa, Market Timing Works! It’s Official: “The Most Difficult Time to Invest”, and Are the Stocks Not to Own, the Ones to Own? A bonus for all the fellas: Many of the posts include a picture of a cheerleader or model.

The Simple Dollar
Trent Hamm is the author of 365 Ways to Live Cheap and The Simple Dollar: How One Man Wiped Out His Debts and Achieved the Life of His Dreams. His blog shares the financial advice that helped him overcome financial hardship. Many of his tips center around living frugally and adjusting attitudes towards money and success. Some of our favorite recent posts include The Post-Christmas Challenge, Intimidated by the Mistakes of the Past, and Flipping the Mental Switch for Success.
Shaun’s Real Estate Adventures
Shaun hopes to let others know that investing in real estate is “really not that difficult or scary.” Through posts such as Loan Closing and Apartment Financials Improving, Hard Money Loan #14 Paid Off, and House Now on the Market, readers can get a sense of Shuan’s personal experience in real estate and how investors like him are able to make money in the market — and maybe pick up some tips along the way.
Boston Gal’s Open Wallet
Boston Gal is a “single, 30-something” who is looking for “control of her net worth.” Her current net worth is $572,941.60, and her goal is $3,376,500.00. Her posts talk about ways to live frugally (including shared coupons and promotions), saving and investing, and other money-management tips.
Frugal Zeitgeist
“Your hostess” is a 42-year-old New Yorker who started the blog with the goal to pay off her mortgage in under seven years. Now, the blog discusses a range of topics related to personal finance and money management. The author closed out 2010 with a net worth of a half million dollars (excluding real estate) and savings of $67,000. Learn about her personal secrets and pick up a few tips for developing your own personal finance strategy.
Make Love, Not Debt
This “relationship finance blog” is written by a recently married Chicago couple and tracks their attempts to reduce debt and to increase their net worth. The blog notes: “Current statistics state that half of all marriages fail. One of the top reasons for divorce is disputes over finances!” The blog covers topics that are important to managing finances as a couple, including insurance, budgeting, groceries, and more.
My Money Blog
This blog’s author shares personal investing strategies and advice on how to make more money and to spend less. Posts discuss topics such as tracking your portfolio, managing your debt, and frugal living. Some popular posts include My Favorite Rewards Credit Cards, Our Complete Home-Buying Experience: From Offers to Mortgages, and Best No Fee 0% Balance Transfer Offers.
Million Dollar Journey
Here’s another blog that was started as a way to track personal net worth but has grown to become a source of information and advice for others interested in learning how to better manage finances and investments. Some notable recent posts include Top Stock Picks for 2011: What are Your Picks? Top Stock Pick Results From 2010, and Bah Humbug! Three Ways to be More Like Scrooge.

The Smart Passive Income Blog
Pat is “not a millionaire” but is “living off passive income made online.” Learn from his experiences and pick up a few tips for how to make your own passive income and improve your financial health. To get a better understanding of how he does it, check out My 2nd Annual Passive Income Report, My Income Report – December 2010, and 22 Take Action Ways to be a Remarkable Blogger.

Christian Personal Finance
This blog is dedicated to responsible money management according to the principles outlined in the Bible. The goal is to help others make more money, save more money, invest money wisely, and use financial gains to help benefit the lives of others. Some notable recent posts include 11 Tips for Getting Out of Debt, 6 Financial Mistakes and How to Recover Quickly, and How to Teach Kids About Money.
Money Smarts
Mike Holman is the author of a book about investment accounts in Canada, and he has nearly 20 years experience in the financial industry in Canada. Posts cover investment strategies and other tips for financial management. Some recent posts include Top Stock Picks for 2011 Contest, Why are Investors Only Using GICs and High-Interest Savings Accounts in Their TFSAs? and I’m Switching to e-Bills and e-Statements.
Budgets Are Sexy
J. Money had a financial wake-up call after he bought his first house. But after making some changes to his finances and reading some popular finance books, he has figured out how to improve his financial outlook. His blog shares tips on financial management and investing, offers a “millionaire to-do list,” budget worksheets and more. Some recent posts include Frugal is Sexy. Even When It Itches, My 7 Worst Money Mistakes, and Side Hustle Series: I’m a Craps Dealer.

The Budgeting Babe
This blog is “dedicated to all the young, working women who want to spend like Carrie in a Jimmy Choo store but have a budget closer to Roseanne.” Frugality and financial management are the focus. Recent posts include Are You Paying for Your Useless Baggage? Gazing Into the Retirement Crystal Ball, and Do You 6IOL?
Counting My Pennies
Counting My Pennies shares the experiences of a 20-something looking to increase net worth and instill better financial management principles. Some popular posts include Could You Go Cashless? The Value of a Good Work Environment, and Can You Spend Irresponsibly if You’re Rich?
Debt Hater
Debt Hater is a 30-something Washington, D.C. woman who hates debt — “Not just financial debt, but debt in all areas of life — physically, emotionally, spiritually and any other -allys you can think of.” She overcame $16,000 in credit card debt and has also paid off student-loan debt. There are regular updates on net worth and income. Some recent posts include Debt Hating 101: How to Spend Your Money Where Your Heart Is, Yet Another Reason I’m Glad to Be Debt Free: Painless Car Repairs, and I Got a New Job! How I’m Managing Money Between Paychecks.
Everybody Loves Your Money
This amateur personal-finance blog offers tips and advice on financial management. Some recent posts include Are You Winning the Slow-Motion Lottery? This Just In — Stopping Smoking Can Save You a TON! and Obama Tax Cut Saves Us Over $200 a Month.
Experiments in Finance
This blog talks about different “experiments in finance” such as investing and different financial strategies. Some of the most popular posts include How to Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) — An Introduction, How to Use VLOOKUP in Excel — A Simple Tutorial, and How to Calculate an Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and When Not to Use It.
Girls Just Wanna Have Funds
A certified psychotherapist writes this blog to offer women information and advice on how to take charge of their own finances to ensure self-reliance. Some notable recent posts include 2011 Income Tax and Payroll Changes: What You Need to Know, Easy Money-Saving Tips for the New Year, and 4 Fiscal Tips for the Savvy Single Woman.

Lazy Man and Money
The blog author explains: “Lazy Man and Money is my personal journal where I explore how I can save money and make more money. I try to cover topics such as: banking, budgeting, career, credit, debt, entrepreneurship, investing, taxes, real estate, insurance, spending, retirement, and estate planning.” Some popular posts include 15 Products that Save Time, Money, and Space, Seven Things You Must Do to Prepare for an Emergency, and Top 5 Paths to a Million Dollars.
All Financial Matters
This personal-finance blog discusses topics such as “budget, asset allocation, 401K, IRA, cash flow, insurance, financial planning, portfolio management, and other areas in personal finance.” Some notable recent posts include My Advice to Those Just Starting Out: Keep Good Records, Better Think Twice Before Playing the Lottery With Friends or Co-Workers, and 10 Ways You Can Give This Season (Without Spending a Lot of Money.
Blogging Away Debt
Beks is working to pay off $40,277.36 in debt. She has managed to pay off $31,662.16, with $8,615.20 left to pay on a student loan. She shares her experiences with financial management and what she has learned. Recent topics include travel, holiday spending, monitoring credit, and more.
Wise Bread
Personal finance, frugal living, operating a small business, and more are covered on this blog, which also includes community message boards. Some recent posts include Diagnose and Improve Your Financial Health: A 10-Item Checklist, Best Money Tips: Part-Time Jobs With the Best Benefits, and Best Money Tips: How to Take a Digital Break.
Fat Pitch Financials
George is a resource economist, and he shares his personal financial discovers through his blog, especially insight he has received through the writings of Warren Buffet. There are frequent portfolio updates and features about stocks and stock performance.
My Open Wallet
In this blog, “an anonymous New Yorker tells the world how much she earns, spends, and saves.” In addition, this 40-something single mother shares “my home-buying experiences, my financial goals and ambitions, my thoughts on class and what it means to be rich or poor, and anything else that relates to money.” There are frequent updates on investment performance and income reports.
Queer Cents
This blog proclaims: “We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going shopping without coupons.” Regular posts discuss credit and debt management, answers to reader questions, product reviews, freelancing tips, and more. Notable recent posts include How to Write and Publish Your e-Book, Affiliate Programs for Beginners: Advertising for Your Blogs.

Dog Ate My Finances
This is the blog of a “20-something, recently debt-free, married and laid-off” woman. She has since gained employment, and her posts share her experiences with financial management, including paying extra on bills, ways to spend less, self-employment, conducting business, and more.
Mapgirl’s Fiscal Challenge
Mapgirl shares her experiences with her own financial goals (such as paying off credit card debt and increasing her savings), and offers tips for personal finance and investing. Posts include regular updates on financial goals, as well as regular updates on personal net worth.
Fabulous Financials
A 30-something single mom with two children is the author of this blog, which shares her personal experiences and offers some insights and tips on financial management. Fitness and fashion are also frequent topics of conversation.

Bad Money Advice
This blog claims that “mainstream personal finance advice is not what it should be,” and Francis X. Curmudgeon, a “bitterly unemployed hedge fund manager,” aims to change that because “surprisingly, he often knows what he is talking about.” Posts that Frank thinks should be popular include Credit Cards and Our Nation of Children, House Prices: The Long View, and Our Personal Finance Problem.

Oblivious Investor
This blog offers tips for “simple, low-maintenance investing.” Posts cover taxes, accounting principles, investing, retirement accounts, and more. A free newsletter is also available. Recent posts include Does This Count as Market Timing? Do REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Belong in Your Portfolio? and Teaching Kids About Investing: Giving Shares of Stock.

One Mint
Personal finance, technology and economics are explored on this blog, which offers tips and advice for personal investors. Some recent posts include Section 80C Tax-Saving Schemes, Tax-Saving ELSS Mutual Funds, and Post Office Monthly Income Scheme.

Sweating the Big Stuff
Daniel writes this blog to help educate people about ways to improve finances while maintaining a high quality of life. He notes that many bloggers suggest ways to save money that are too severe and disruptive to everyday living, and he endorses a more broad view of spending and saving. Some notable recent posts include What People Pay Shouldn’t Change Our Behavior, Comparing the Tax Cuts and Stimulus Packages, and Are You in Charge of Your Finances?
Blonde and Balanced
Amber is the writer behind Blonde and Balanced, and she writes about how to find a balance with finances and health to find happiness. Some notable recent posts regarding personal finances include When Personal Finance and Health Become Serious, Weddings: Sticking to a Budget & Vendor Customer Service, and Money Lessons from the Big Easy.

Girl With the Red Balloon
Red is a 20-something college student who blogs about her attempts to shrink debt, live simply, and spend and save wisely. Many posts reflect on simple living and the value of money and consumerism. Some notable recent posts include The Money/Power Exchange, What Have I Lost and Gained? and Are We Obsessed?
The Centsible Life
Kelly Whalen writes about personal finances, family and frugal living. She offers lots of tips for saving money, including regular posts with links to discounts and special offers. Some notable recent posts include Organizing Your Finances for the New Year, End of Year Tax Tips, and What’s Covered by a Flexible Spending Account?

Debt-Free Adventure
Learn how to become debt-free with this blog, which uses the principles of the Bible to offer tips on saving, investing, giving, managing taxes, and more. Some recent posts include The Wardrobe Mission, Does the FICO Score Matter? and Help Paying Student Loans.
Young and Thrifty
This blog was started when the author realized that her friends didn’t know what an RRSP was and that her sisters didn’t understand the difference between a debit card and a credit card. The blog aims to educated young people about personal finance and investing. Some notable recent posts include Top 4 Things to Buy After Christmas and New Year’s, How to Use the Homebuyer’s Plan, and Closing/Home Costs to Think About Before You Buy Your Home.
Paying Myself
A first-year lawyer struggles with a high student-debt load and finding financial independence. She shares her experiences and her tips along the way. There are weekly checkups and monthly goals set. Some recent posts include Thoughts from a Reformed Sales Whore, Tackling My Business Debt, and Preparing My Finances for 30 Something.
Punch Debt in the Face
This is the blog “where personal finance and stick figures meet.” Posts are populated by fun graphics and pictures. Though the blog started with a focus on reducing debt, it has grown to discuss other aspects of Boy Ninja’s life, as well. There is still plenty of talk about personal finance (with updates on net worth), there are also plenty of personal musings.
Well-Heeled Blog
This blog combines a “nerdy interest in personal finance” with savvy living. Posts often discuss strategies for frugal shopping, as well as the application of sound financial principles to other areas of life, such as health and fitness. Some interesting recent posts include SEP IRA: Have Side Income? Save for Retirement, High Cost of Healthy Groceries, and Lending to Family: The Easiest $20,000 Decision.
Dough Roller
Learn how you can be a dough roller yourself with tips on how to make more money, save more money and invest it wisely. Some notable recent posts include How Much Money is Won in the Lottery? The Dangers of No Pre-Set Spending Limit Credit Cards, and 5 Must-Follow Financial Resolutions for the New Year.
Enemy of Debt
Enemy of Debt aims to motivate and inspire others to attain financial discipline by teaching sound financial management principles and the important of personal planning. Recently, the blog issued a challenge to its readers to avoid restaurants for a full month. Other recent posts include What’s Your Debt-Free Plan? Get Organized! Homemade Wedding Tips and Benefits for 2011, and Saving Money on Renter’s Insurance.
Financial Samurai
This personal-finance blog aims to help readers “slice through money’s mysteries.” Posts also draw connections between money and current events (such as health insurance reform) and life choices (such as whether those with low incomes should have children, or how those who live at home with their parents can find dating success). Some popular posts include How Higher Taxes Saved Me a Boatload of Money, The Secret to Early Retirement, and Insuring the Uninsured is Worth It.
Five Cent Nickel
This blog offers tips for financial management and investing “because money matters.” The focus is on investing products and debt management, rather than personal experiences and goals. Some notable recent posts include Five Ways to Maximize Your Retirement Accounts, Financial Tips for Couples in 2011, and Investing for Future Income: Start Early, Save Often.
Good Financial Cents
Certified Financial Planner Jeff Rose writes this blog to help readers “make cents” of their investments. Posts offer advice for investing, saving money, instituting financial discipline, and more. Some recent posts include How to Determine the Best Banking Products for Your Small Business Needs, Easy (and Unusual) Ways for College Students to Save Money, and 7 Things You MUST Know About Roth IRA Rules for 2011.
Learn about “everything that’s wrong with you and your money” with this blog, which is based on the philosophy that most people do not know enough about their money or enough about where it goes. Sometimes, posts discuss pop culture or the author’s personal experiences. Some interesting recent posts include 2011 Predictions: Here are Mine, What are Yours? Couponing Yourself Out of the Market, and Share Lock-Outs.

Suburban Dollar
Kyle describes himself as a typical, middle-class dad, and he hopes that his blog will inspire others to learn more about finance and take control of their finances as he once did. His blog includes a lot of financial information and advice for taking control of aspects of your finances, such as negotiating bills, making extra income, and investing. Some recent posts include Using Volunteer Work to Improve Your Career Prospects, 5 Tips for Using Your Home and Car to Make Money, and How to Negotiate Medical Bills.

My Journey to Millions
This blog was started as a way to track a 27-year-old’s journey from broke lawyer to multimillionaire. He’s not there yet, but in the meantime, he shares his experiences and know how from his training in economics, law, and insurance sales to offer financial tips and investing advice. Some recent posts includes How to Avoid Debt — a Guide, Using Your 401(k) to Start a Business, and 4 Common Money Mistakes to Avoid.
The Psy-Fi Blog
This blog offers “a sideways look at psychology and finance.” Don’t expect to find lots of tips for the market here, or updates about net worth or debt load. Rather, you’ll find posts about the psychology of the market and spending. Some interesting recent posts include Economics and Psychology: The Divorce, Love Your Kids, Not Your Stocks, and Weird Markets.

Money Funk
Here’s another blog that tracks one family’s efforts to minimize debt — $85,000 worth — and live more simply and frugally. There are plenty of tips for ways to save money and to make smarter choices with your finances. Some recent posts include 6 Tips for Finding a Good Mechanic Who Won’t Break the Bank, Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck, and Frugal to Survive or Frugal to be Rich?
Mighty Bargain Hunter
The Mighty Bargain Hunter shares tips for saving money, finding deals, living frugally, making money, and investing. There is also a free newsletter to which readers can subscribe. Some recent posts include A Hack to Include Online Purchases in a Cash Budgeting System, Six Tricks to Finding Deals on Coins, and Money-Tracking Advice so Simple that it Just Might Work.

Fabulously Broke in the City
FB managed to get out of $60,000 in debt in just 18 months, and now she finds a way to balance her “shopaholic” tendencies with healthy saving habits. Some notable recent posts include How Not to Spend More Than You Make, Are People Wealthier Because They’re Business Owners or Self-Employed? and Negotiating: Why You Can Only Win When You Ask for Money.

Small Steps for Big Change
This blog aims to guide readers toward “financial freedom — one step at a time.” A “reformed spendaholic” shares her monthly budget and net worth to offer some guidance for others. There are also reflections about work and personal habits as they relate to success. Some recent posts include Why I Don’t Track Spending, Chance Favors the Prepared Mind, and Self Worth and Work — I Can’t Tell the Difference.

Frugal Law Student
Brett McKay is a second-year law student who is trying to manage tens of thousands of dollars in student debt, and he share tips and advice for students and others who are also trying to find ways to manage their debts and their finances. Articles talk about personal finance, frugality, law school, career, and productivity. Some recent posts include Is Law School Worth the Cost? 7 Ways to Save Money on LSAT Prep, and Mac on a Budget.

Poorer Than You
This blog targets college students and 20-somethings, and offers financial advice “without being boring.” “Topics include credit cards, savings, budgeting, earning more money, evaluating job offers… from big financial decisions down to small ones, from the latest news to time-tested advice.” Stephanie had to drop out of school because of poor finances, and now she shares her journey back after getting her finances in better shape and returning to school and graduating.

Single Guy Money
This single guy had over $80,000 in debt at one point, but has since managed to pay off $40,000 in credit card debt and a car loan of $22,000, and is now working on paying off student loans and a mortgage. He offers great tips for saving money and making better financial decisions. Some notable recent posts include 5 Tips on Juggling Multiple Savings Accounts, Getting the Most Out of Ebay as a Seller, and Eating Out: Finding Restaurant Vouchers and Coupons.
TeacHer Finance
A 25-year-old high-school teacher attempts to get her financial house in order and to enjoy life on a small teacher’s salary. She shares her progress with her financial goals and with reducing debt. Share in her personal experiences and find inspiration for making your own financial changes.
Always the Planner
“I work in a field where I don’t make a huge salary and probably never will. Therefore, planning for a stable financial future starts now.” This blog shares the planning process and preparation for building a secure financial future, in addition to tips for saving money and budgeting. Some useful recent posts include The Life of a Part-Time Grad Student, 10 Tips for Group Travel Planning, and Starting Out in Life: How to Pick Up Cheap Furniture.

Engineer Your Finances
This blog focuses on three principles: optimization, education, and financial security. “I feel these fundamental qualities are lost in a world of get-rich-quick schemes and as they are the basis for my own beliefs,” the blog author explains. Some notable recent posts include Top 10 Ways to Avoid an IRS Audit, 3 Strategies to Envision Your Way to Debt Freedom, and 30 Ways to Wreck Your Career.
Simolean Sense
Simolean Sense describes itself as “a multidisciplinary blog for renaissance thinkers, financiers, decision makers, business students, and consilient observers.” Some recent finance-related posts include How Not to Encourage Home Ownership, All Value Investors Must Read This! Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?, and When Being Wasteful Appears Better than Feeling Wasteful.

Generation X Finance
This blog is meant to help members of Gen X have a better understanding of financial issues to improve their personal finances. Generation X includes those born between 1965 and 1980. “That isn’t to say the topics here aren’t applicable to others, but the primary focus is to help people get their debt under control, establish a successful career, and begin to accumulate wealth.” Some notable recent posts include How Much Money Do I Need to Save for Retirement? Should You Be Investing in Gold? and The Lost Decade of Investing: Was All Really Lost?
Homeowner by 30
This blog exhorts readers to “join me as I share the strategies, trials, and tribulations of getting out of debt and saving for a down payment on a home by the end of my 30th year!” Posts discuss life as a teacher, personal savings goals, personal efforts towards debt reduction, and ideas for saving money (even low-cost recipe ideas).
Life As a Purse
This 25-year-old explain that she graduated college with no debt and was making good decisions for her finances, but then sunk into a depression that caused her to wreck her finances by overspending. She has returned to graduate school, and uses this blog to keep herself accountable for her financial habits. Find inspiration by following along with her experiences with trying to build her net worth and reduce debt — all on a limited salary.

Money Maus
This blog tells the tale of “a 20-something gal trying to save her cheese.” Follow along with her as she tracks her goals to build an emergency fund, a Roth IRA, a birthday fund, a travel fund, a car maintenance fund and a gift fund.
M is For Money
Miss M managed to clear $20,000 in credit card debt in one year by understanding the value of saving money, living more simply, and investing wisely. Some interesting recent posts include Homeownership: A Never-Ending Expensive Adventure, Maybe It’s Your Major? and How Do You Divide Your Financial Goals?
The Digerati Life
Get some personal finance insights from a true Valley Girl — a software engineer in the Silicon Valley. There is a lot of great personal-finance advice here, accompanied by lots of graphics and photos. Some notable recent posts include Bush Tax Cuts Extension: What Are the Effects? Bill Paying Strategies to Help Find Your Spending Balance, and Investing in REITs to Diversify Investments.
Penny Foolish
Learn some personal-finance tips and find motivation from a “girl bad with the pennies, who’s trying to keep from making the really big mistakes.” There are posts about her online business efforts, career development, purchases, and debt management.

Accumulating Money
This resource-rich blog has a lot of articles on various personal-finance topics, including financial basics, investing, retirement accounts, insurance, debt management, taxes, and much more. Some popular posts include Spending Money: Needs vs. Wants, 5 Simple Do It Yourself Debt Reduction Strategies, and Spend Your Money on Doing Things Rather Than Owning Things.
My 1st Million at 33
Frugal made his first million in the following way: $360,000 from savings (after working for about 9 years), $90,000 from stock investments, $260,000 from a small condo, $200,000 from a company stock option, and a $90,000 gift from his parents for his wedding. His blog offers tips and advice for how you can make your own million through smart investing and financial management.

One Million and Beyond
Matt is an average guy working to pay down debt and build savings, and he writes his blog to document his efforts to move beyond living paycheck to paycheck. Some of the most popular posts on the blog include Accepting Financial Responsibility, Net Worth vs. Cash Flow, and Social Pressures to Spend Your Money.

2 Million
Brian is an engineer with a goal of attaining $2 million in cash and assets (excluding his home) — an amount that he believes will offer him financial freedom. His current net worth is just over $750,000. He shares frequent updates on his cash flow and net worth, and shares tips for investing and saving along the way. Some interesting recent posts include Tips for Saving Money on Car Insurance, Tips for Building Your Brand on the Internet, and Low Cost, Easy Business Promotion Tip.
Money, Matter, and More Musings
The title of this blog says it all: It offers musings on money, debt, frugality and other matters. Some interesting posts include Are Americans Killing the Economy by Saving Too Much? Are Poor People More Frugal than Rich People? and Stock Market Technical Analysis — Loads of Bull Crap and Bear Crap.
Art of Money
Jon says that the two primary keys to his financial success are “1. Be open to expanding your mind: for me the best methods I’ve found to accomplish this are to interact with people who are richer or more knowledgeable than me and to play the Rich Dad board game Cashflow 101. 2. Take action! It’s a cliché, but it is way better to get started and make a ton of mistakes than to sit around and dream about getting rich.” His blog shares these principles by offering others advice for how to implement them in their own lives. Some recent posts include Ultimate Blogger’s Survival Guide, Monday Morning SEO Tip — Google Exaggerates, and Careful, This Blog Rush is Going to Hurt.
Adult ADD and Money
This blog offers personal-finance and business advice for adults with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). There are often free webinars on various topics, and links to other resources and support groups for those with ADD and ADHD. Some recent posts include Have ADD and Out of Work? 6 Overlooked Reasons Why You are Struggling with Your Finances, and Women with ADHD — Money Issues.
Savvy Saver
“Personal prosperity depends not on how much money you make, but on how much money you keep. This personal finance blog is dedicated to making smart money decisions, living below your means, and increasing net worth.” Find tips for ways to save (including links to online promotions and discounts), regular updates on debt reduction and savings efforts, and reflections on financial management.
Adventures in Money Making
Find advice for all kinds of ways to make money, from business ventures to tax management to investing. Career advice is also offered as a means of increasing earning power. Some recent posts include Tax Havens for Retirees, Buying Silver Coins, and How to Nail an Interview.

Debt Kid
The original Debt Kid racked up over $300,000 in debt through day trading. Debt Kid and two other writers now offer advice to others about how to minimize debt. There are also thoughtful posts about current events in finance, such as legislation regulating lending and credit cards. Some recent posts include Will That be Cash or Credit? Foreclosures Could Depress Housing Prices for Decades, and Consumers May be Able to Avoid Debt with New Credit Card.
Eventual Millionaire
Though she doesn’t have a million dollars yet, Jaime says she grew up knowing that she would eventually be a millionaire. After college, she racked up $70,000 in debt and worked long hours at a job she didn’t love. Now, she works with other entrepreneurs to help them find work that they love while building their net worth. Pick up some tips here for how to do it yourself. Some notable recent posts include How to Start Tracking Your Expenses, Get Rich Quick Isn’t Always a Scam, and Increasing Your Business Confidence.
Not Made of Money
A husband and wife team offer tips on how to save money and live a debt-free life. Some notable recent posts include Got a Debt Problem? Tips to Cure a Debt Hangover, How Living Above Your Means Can Destroy Your Finances, and 8 Financial Mistakes to Avoid for 2011.

Give Me Back My Five Bucks
Krystal is on a quest for financial independence and has already eliminated $20,000 in debt in under a year. She posts about her spending habits, her progress towards further debt reduction and savings, and other personal goals. Find some tips and inspiration through her experiences.

Spilling Buckets
Ryan and Leslie started their blog after outlining some financial goals that included creating an emergency fund, buying a house, and eliminating debt. In their “manifesto,” they pose “Ask yourself this question: What would happen if instead of making a living I designed a life?” In addition to saving and investing, finding purpose and meaning is a part of their “freedom-driven lifestyle design.” Find inspiration here for designing your own life by discovering your own meaning and purpose. Some interesting recent posts include Consumer to Producer: Our Evolving Philosophy, Smart Tips to Cut Your Expenses, and What is Quantitative Easing?
No More Spending
This blog has a simple goal: To get out of debt and stay out of debt. Laura paid off approximately $65,000 in debt in under five years, and now she writes about how she lives frugally and stays under budget. Posts talk about saving, budgeting, financial management, living on a single income, planning for the future, financial independence, making extra money, and more. Notable recent posts include Paying Off Your Mortgage Early and Not Spending for a Month.
Ugly Debty
“One girl’s journey to freedom from an evil amount of personal debt. This blog is from an Australian writer with no financial smarts whatsoever. All advice should be triple checked with someone way better with money than me.” She started with a debt of about $131,000 and has whittled it down to about $42,000. She shares how she manages to reduce debt and save money through different financial strategies.
The Frugalista
Natale P. McNeal writes about “the frugal side of fabulous” on this blog, which shares tips for saving money while still living the fabulous life. The blog also talks about current events and celebrity happenings that are related to finance. McNeal is also the author of the book The Frugalista Files. Some recent posts include 5 Ways to Save Money Right Now, College Debt Rises, and Could You Live Off Coupons for a Year?
Money Mate Kate
This self-employed massage therapist is living debt-free in New York City who is often the go-to person for financial advice in her family. She writes about career experiences, her strategies for minimizing debt, and her reflections on financial management, including current events. Some interesting recent posts include Will Healthcare Reform Go the Same Route as Credit Card Reform? Frugality Blogging–>Enriched Day-to-Day Life, and Penny Experiment 2: $204 for $23.
Stacking Pennies
Follow along with this young professional and her attempts to reach financial goals. She shares some tips and reflections along the way that others can use to develop their own financial plan — and meet their own personal goals.

My Pretty Pennies
This blog is “the journal of a girl trying to change her world one pretty penny at a time.” Lately, there have been a lot of posts about her upcoming wedding and wedding planning, but there are still plenty of posts with reflections about financial goals (among them to eliminate debt, build an emergency fund, and build a wedding fund).
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for the financial blogs list sharing. I hope, I can follow them as a student.

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